This project covered:
Promotional Design Templates
Poster Design
Social Media Templates

The  Renaissance workshop is an initiative to revive classical drawing styles of the Renaissance masters.  It teaches its students historically accurate techniques and methods that would be familiar in 16th Century Florence as well as telling the story of the history and philosophy that made the artworks of the period so vital and persisting 

The brand was to convey a living history tradition alive in modernity. It needed to speak of the past and the future at the same time. The client was very keen on using a laurel, a scholarly reference to classical antiquity and a feather quill. This was the symbol of renaissance learning within the brand and was collated into a refined and functional mark. 

“Peter has enabled me to take strides forward, confident that I have branding and an aesthetic which represents the beliefs and values of my business. His eye for detail, creative talent and expansive knowledge of the principles of design make him someone I would recommend to anyone who has an idea they want to get off the ground, or who is established but wants to unlock more capacity in their business.”

— Jon Long

(The Renaissance Workshop)


Sunset Studios


Renaissance Workshop Materials